by Nationwide Electric | Mar 25, 2018 | Community, How To
There are plenty of easy ways to be responsible for your power usage and conserve energy in your home. Here are a few of the things you can do to reduce your home’s power usage: Always turn off lights in rooms you are not using Wash your clothes in cold water Set your...
by Nationwide Electric | Mar 1, 2018 | Community
Nikola Tesla is often called the man who invented the 20th century, and there are lots of good reasons for that. Here are some of his quotes that we think will help challenge your ideas about science and the world. About Inspiration “Be alone, that is the secret of...
by Nationwide Electric | Feb 11, 2018 | Community, Electricity History
The Basics: Born: February 11, 1847 Lived in: Ohio and New Jersey Discovered: The “Edison effect,” or electric waves in space. This discovery allowed for the invention of radios, televisions, computers and other wireless products. Invented: An improved the...
by Nationwide Electric | Jan 17, 2018 | Community, Electricity History
The Basics: Born: January 17, 1706 Lived in: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Discovered: Positive and negative electrical charges and that lightning is a form of electricity (the famous “kite and key” experiment). Invented: Lightning rod, Franklin stove,...
by Nationwide Electric | Jan 15, 2018 | Community, How To
Since my father was 16, he knew he wanted to be an electrician. My whole life I have watched him have plenty of long nights and early mornings, but without a doubt, he was able to provide for his family and felt satisfaction after completing a project. There are...
by Nationwide Electric | Jan 2, 2018 | Community, Electricity History
The Basics: Born: January 19, 1736 Lived in: Glasgow, Scotland, and Birmingham, England Invented: An improved steam engine, which was a big part of the Industrial Revolution and made him a rich man. He also created the term “horsepower” to measure...